COVID-19 is still with us 'so it's important that we go on doing simple things to protect our families and communities-particularly those at high risk of severe illness. Here's what you need to do if you test positive or have a temperature with COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms.


Here are 5 things you can do:

1. Try to stay at home, avoid contact with others for 5 days (3 days for those under18) and follow the government guidelines.

Try to work from home if you can. Unable to work from home? Talk to your employer about the options available to you.

3 Get medical or dental appointment someone doing work at your home? Let them know about your positive test results.

4 If you leave your home during the 5 days after positive test results, wear a face covering, avoid crowded or enclosed places and stay away from those at high risk from COVID-19.


Try to follow this advice until you feel well and no longer have a high temperature if you had one.